Is Deep Cleaning Good or Bad for Gum Disease?

Deep cleaning” often means scaling and root planing to a dentist or periodontist. Scaling is the process by which plaque (bacteria and food mixture) and calculus (tartar or mineralized plaque deposits) are removed from both supragingival (above the gum) and subgingival (below the gum) tooth surfaces.

Root planing involves removing plaque, calculus and smoothing rough root surfaces with fine scalers and ultrasonic instruments. This “planes” the roots under the gum to provide a smooth, clean surface to which the gums can reattach. After treatment, the goal is for the gingival (gum) tissue will become tight, pink, and healthy, with no bleeding or redness. Hopefully, the pockets that have formed between the teeth and the gums will shrink, reducing the need for surgical intervention.

Root planing is a treatment approach for gum and periodontal disease. However, the patient must be aware of certain issues:

  • After root planing, teeth can become temporarily sensitive to cold air or cold liquids.
  • After treatment, the gums will shrink as they get healthy and spaces between the teeth may develop. You may also experience gum recession on the outside surfaces of some of your teeth, but either situation is better than leaving gum disease insufficiently treated.
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Does Dental Cleaning Hurt?

People should visit the dentist every six months for preventative care. These twice-yearly visits typically include an examination of the teeth and mouth, X-rays and a cleaning. Teeth can get plaque build-up even in individuals who brush them after every meal. The cleaning gets rid of this debris. Most patients do not have major discomfort during dental cleanings, but some experience tooth pain afterward.

Root planning involves smoothing the root surfaces and taking out any infected areas. This process is necessary in people with gum disease who develop deep pockets around their teeth. The pockets collect tartar deposits that have to be removed. The deep cleaning may be uncomfortable, but it is necessary to get rid of potentially harmful bacteria. People with sensitive teeth may feel some tooth pain during a deep dental cleaning. Their gums may also hurt, depending on the depth of the pockets they have developed.


People who are especially sensitive or who have severe gum disease can prevent pain by asking for anesthetic. The dentist can inject a numbing drug to eliminate both tooth and gum pain. Topical anesthetics can also be applied, but they only reduce gum pain. The teeth will still feel sensations because the numbing agent does not have a deep enough reach.

Time Frame:

Tooth pain from a dental cleaning is usually limited to the time frame of the cleaning itself. Hot or cold temperatures will cause tooth pain until the effect wears off, and the gums may also be sore. Over-the-counter pain killers are usually sufficient to manage the discomfort.

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