When Does Your Tooth Need a Dental Crown?

Often, dental issues might leave you with cavities that are too large to fill, or sometimes, the tooth is cracked, worn or weakened. In such cases, a dental crown may be a necessity. Sometimes, two or more dental crowns can be used on either side of missing teeth with artificial teeth attached to the crowns. This is called a Dental Bridge.
So what exactly is a dental crown?
A dental crown is like a “cap” for your tooth. This crown helps your tooth to be restored to its standard shape, size and function. A crown can help improve how the tooth looks.
When do you require a dental crown?
  1. When the tooth has been weakened due to decay
  2. Cracked tooth
  3. Worn-out tooth
  4. Discoloured tooth
  5. Misshaped tooth
  6. A tooth that has had Root canal treatment
What is it made of?
A dental crown can be made entirely from tooth-coloured ceramic, porcelain, or metal alloys. The type of crown depends on where it will be placed inside your mouth. At Expressions Dental, we offer various types of Dental Crowns in Calgary.
How is the crown placed?
First, the damaged tooth is assessed. Then the tooth is prepared to receive the crown by reshaping or removing a portion of the tooth. This reshaping is done to make sure there is sufficient space for the tooth to receive the dental crown. After this step, a temporary crown is placed until the permanent crown is manufactured. When the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent one is bonded or cemented to your tooth.
How to take care of dental crowns?
You can take care of your dental crowns just the way you take care of your natural teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing regularly coupled with dental checkups can help you prolong the life of your crown. If you are looking for dental crowns in Calgary, Expressions Dental is happy to help. Call +1 (403) 252 7733 to consult our dentists.
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Different Types of Dental Crowns

Dental crown as the name suggests is a kind of tooth-shaped cap fixed onto a tooth for the
conservation of tooth structure. It is not removable. Dental crowns are designed to protect damaged teeth, enhance appearance, strengthen the tooth, extend tooth life and manage

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Replace Your Missing Tooth With Dental Crowns And Bridges

If you have a missing tooth you know the effect it can have on the quality of your smile and also your life as it also affects the choice of your food consumption. It can also cause a problem in how you chew and speak. To fix the problem of a missing tooth you can opt for dental crowns and bridges, which is one option for it. A weak, broken, or an incomplete smile may be able to restored by fixing dental crowns and bridges.

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Want to Change the Shape of your Teeth?

Keeping your teeth clean and cavity free is indeed important, but the fact your teeth are healthy doesn’t automatically mean you’ll be ecstatic with their appearance. Genetics may provide you with teeth that are crooked, oddly shaped or that have large gaps between them. Or perhaps the appearance of your teeth has been altered from physical trauma or as a result of teeth grinding.

Whatever the reason, some people want to change the shape of their teeth. Maybe they want their teeth to be longer, or they want to close a gap between the front teeth. The good news is that, there are several dental services that allow you to choose the best option for you based on your unique dental needs and personal preferences.

In order to change the shape of your teeth, dentists use crowns, dental bonding, veneers, or they recontour your teeth.

Treatment options:

  • A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over teeth. When crowns are put in, they fully encase the tooth so that only the crown is visible, which allows a dentist to make the crown in the shape of desirable teeth.
  • Dental bonding, on the other hand, is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the tooth’s surface. The resin is then hardened with a special light, which will bond the material to the tooth.
  • Veneers can also be to change the shape of teeth. They are very thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials that are designed to cover just the front surface of teeth.
  • Recontouring or reshaping of the teeth is a procedure that involves small amounts of tooth enamel being removed to change a tooth’s length, shape or surface.
  • All of these options have different costs, different levels of durability, and different amounts of time to complete.

Contact Expressions Dental if you want to discuss how to change the shape of your teeth using one of the methods mentioned here.

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Taking Care of Temporary Dental Crown

Temporary dental crowns are a temporary fix until a permanent crown is ready. The primary reasons for wearing a temporary crown are to keep the tooth protected from external stimulus, keep the tooth from shifting and serve as a dress rehearsal for function and aesthetics for the permanent crown.  Here is what you need to know about taking care of the temporary crown for the couple of weeks that you have it cemented:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods (for example, chewing gum, caramel), which have the potential of grabbing and pulling off the crown.
  • Minimize use of the side of your mouth with the temporary crown. Shift the bulk of your chewing to the other side of your mouth.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods (such as raw vegetables), which could dislodge or break the crown.
  • Slide flossing material out-rather than lifting out when cleaning your teeth. Lifting the floss out, as you normally would, might pull off the temporary crown.
  • Let your dentist know if the provisional crown should fracture or fall out, even if the tooth is not sensitive. The teeth are prone to shifting when not covered by the temporary crown.  Going without your temporary crown even for couple of days may cause the final crown not to fit properly.
  • Be sure to call your dentist’s office if the temporary crown feels too prominent to your bite. It is more likely to break or come uncemented.
  • If you experience prolonged sensitivity or pain, please call your dentist’s office.

If your temporary dental crown comes off at any time during the waiting period for the permanent restoration, please contact our office immediately. It is very important for us to get the temporary back in place as quickly as possible, to ensure that the permanent restoration fits properly.

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