How to Know You Need Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are a dental procedure that is used to restore the structure and the function of your tooth that has been lost, decayed, or damaged. You might not be aware that dental fillings are one of the oldest dental techniques which have been around since the early 1500s. Dental fillings play an important role in restoring cavities and dental problems, which if not treated, can cause more serious dental issues over the course of time.

Dental fillings typically are made from the materials such as amalgam, which is a hybrid form of alloys like silver, mercury, and tin or they are made of composite materials such as resin and glass. Fillings can also be made of porcelain, ceramic and even out of gold. The important question is how do you know that you require dental fillings?

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Treatment for Chipped or Broken Teeth

One common dental emergency is chipped or broken teeth. You may crack, chip, or break your teeth due to an unforeseen accident or injury. You can exercise caution while playing sports or during any other recreational activities, but it is highly unlikely that you will be able to completely protect yourself from getting hurt or damaging your tooth. If you happen to face such a situation, there are dental options to restore your chipped or broken teeth and restore your smile.

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